I have worked with traders of all levels from beginner to hedge fund manager. Most do not like to share their account statements and success stories.
Brad Does. Because Brad Cares about Traders, like him who tried and failed in trading for years. After trying in trading for 20 years: it all changed when Brad joined the Fibonacci Trading Institute in 2018. This is Brad’s journey in words and in this video.
If Brad can accomplish such A Phenomenal Success: So Can You! If You Are Ready to Trade Like A Pro with the Alpha Fibonacci Total Trading System.
Join Us Today at the Best Price Ever with the Discount of $2000 (only 2 spaces left) and you will receive access to the Live Guided Trading, Multi-Markets Scanner, Trade Recognition Software, Live Recorded Classes. 100+ Videos, 9 Modules:
View Brad’s Success Story
“I started trading live in October 2018 after doubling sim account with FTI Method. Since trading live with 25K account: I have accumulated a net earnings of 345% or 111,369 plus original 25K. My win/loss ratio roughly 85%. With the addition of new scanner and Software, identifying trades is a lot easier plus opportunities have greatly increased. There are always 2 or 3 quality trades a day but I only need one.” Brad