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“Your group course is excellent, I’ve already referred a trading friend who signed up for the course his name is Steven. I’ve spent well over $100,000 on training and courses and have learned more in the last few weeks of your course than all the other courses combined. Your methods actually work. I would also be interested in any other software you develop. I will continue to refer others that need your guidance. Gratefully yours”
Brad’s Performance:
Live Performance by Graduates of the Alpha Fibonacci Total Trading System Group and Private Mentoring Course. Students’ past and current performance does not guarantee anyone else’s current or future performance or results. Above performance includes various Alpha Fibonacci Strategies. (Click on image to enlarge)
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Dear Alla, I just would like to let you know that November was, so far, the best month (- up almost 25%) in my ES day-trading journey (since 6/2016) in terms of consistency and profit. While it may be nothing for some experienced traders, this kind of result is something I only dreamed of several months ago. I really hope I’m not jinxing it, but please let me share it with you. I just have to make sure (and hope and pray) that I will stay focused, and committed to the trading and risk management rules I have learned. I feel privileged to be able to enjoy the benefits of your trading strategies and knowledge. Please feel free to share the above with others, if you think it’s useful. Best regards.

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I only traded 7 out of the 10 days of the contest, started late and missed the last Friday, maybe a good thing.
Students’ Performance on a Typical Day on S&P, NQ, Dow:

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Hi Alla, I caught much of the move up yesterday on ES. I am using weekly call options (expire Feb. 21) on the SPY. This was how they were doing today at the open, up 94%. That is all I’m doing for today. I’m grateful for any profit I make in these wild markets. I will always be grateful to you for sharing this method with us. Love and Light.

Read the Most Extensive Course and Software Review by Bill, Student 10/2019:
“11 points today ! Just started a month ago. Had a great one on one yesterday. This is THE room and THE education that will change your life. Thank you Alla.”
“Hi Alla, I have been trading for the last few years, but not with much success, and I still at times lack confidence. However, since especially starting private mentoring with you, and attending your classes when feasible, I feel that my confidence has grown, and the precision of your techniques and software, has given me the vision, that I will become a successful trader. By far, your course has been the best one yet, and whilst I am not unfamiliar with Fibonacci concept within trading before attending your sessions, you have taught me a new way, and simply have opened my eyes and shown remarkable ways of entering and exiting trades in any market, as long as you follow the rules. I am excited and hope to learn a lot more from you. I hope we will also get an opportunity to meet in person. Best wishes Manu”
“Hi Alla – just wanted to thank you for sharing with the group today – you are an inspiration to all of us and I admire your strength and resolve. I ran across a website about trading educators and your bio came up. I’m fortunate that I can trade from my gym office there in the early morning and from home in the afternoon. Hoping to make the transition someday to full time trading – your help is certainly improving my chances of that!”
“Dear Alla, These three months went by a bit too fast. This has been the best training in trading I have ever had. I have been at this, off and on, for about 25 years. Most of it not very successful. These last three months have taught me patience and the need to get the best entry I can. It was a test not to jump in and trade real money for awhile. I did as you said and practiced, practiced, and practiced some more. Your method has allowed me to start to trade an extremely unforgiving market, the e-mini futures. Thank you for everything, Mark W”
Steve, 05/2019
“At approximately 5AM scanner said Long for euro @ 1.3580. At 5:50 AM moved from 1.3660 to 1.3895 in ONE minute .I would not have seen this trade w/o the software package. scanner watches charts much better than I possibly can .MUCH less energy devoted – now other than watch Fib Club, what am I going to do all day??? Amazing Thank you. Bill”
You are changing lives. And I thank you again for teaching me.
Hi Alla,
Just wanted to let you know I am doing so much better since I started learning your method.
I’ve been watching the videos…and reviewing the trades on the charts.
I’ve had 18 days of positive trades…
I feel so much better…no panic attacks…no excessive trades…holding for target and watching price…
Your explanations and guidance on the trades are superb as are your videos.
I’ve been trading 15 years and have been scared to death to go live as I lost money trading stocks.
I am now confident that I can be successful, trading your method.
I don’t ask questions because you are so clear and I am right with you as you take us through the trade.
Thanks for everything…you have changed my life and my mindset to be a success!
See you Tuesday..
Susan C.
I have had 4 trades ALL winners because of you! I only swing trade on daily and weekly so trades are fewer. I only trade when everything lines up. But I realized, I need to have a bigger account size to buy more contracts per trade with a good risk management ratio so I’m working hard to save and build up my account size to continue trading. I don’t want to end up like others who blew their winnings. I think of you daily because I draw fibs everyday when I get home and watch your YouTube. Fibonacci still blows my mind when I look at the charts.
After 2 weeks in the mastery class, I am SHOCKED–I have always believed that SIMPLICITY is the key to brilliance! And your system is simple and brilliant
I have synthesized the modules into ten rules that I understand ( I think)
all I need to do now is
1. forget everything I thought I learned from 20 years of experience( not so easy to do at age 73 )
2. follow the rules
3. a full week of the demo (can’t resist a few live gold trades )
4. trade any instrument – doesn’t matter what chart or time frame I’m looking at
5. keep learning from classes and a multitude of videos etc.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never met a mentor who could beat the market in 1 minute time frame successfully, it has to be a world record.
I strongly believe this gift has to be earn as a student because this technique even in the first course not only will impact in your trading but also in your live,”We trade as we are, but we could be as we trade also “, if you are wiling to make the effort in this course prepare for great, mayor, awesome changes in your live for sure, as it happens to me.
Alla, I must say, you have given me a new perspective on the market. I thought I was a simplicity-driven chartist before, but you set a new standard for simplicity and purity. Your repetition about price with its SIMPLICITY and the importance of knowing where institutions may step in have been super helpful. Course is very good refresher about traditional technical analysis and candlesticks and how much price alone can tell us. Also some excellent “ah ha” moments. Truly exceptional and extremely helpful. Many thanks and all the best.
I started Fibonacci Mastery Group Course early in 2018. Continued on with Private Mentoring in August 2018. BEST THING I HAD EVER DONE. My Account As of Sept 27 2018 Was at 25,000 As of February 22 2019 My Account at $90, 322 Net Profit $68,300 in 4.5 Months 2 Losing Days in November 2018 98% Winning Ratio in 95 Trading Days Total Win Ratio 85.1% February Slow and Difficult Month: 14 Trading Days 14 Trades Very Few Hrs at PC 14 Trades 100% Net on 5 Lot for Feb $7,800
Your Youtube Channel is AWESOME! I ALWAYS CHECK TWITTER AS WELL. This is THE BEST TRADING ROOM. I love hearing your analysis on Oil and stocks.
Alla, i am only trading Range charts as i think they are the best, unless of course you teach me something else, hahaha.
I am trading all your strategies as long as i can trade from pivots or fib levels i don’t care which one i use, they all are good!!!. Who would have thought so when i began with you that i could trade many strategies and trade 3 or 4 trades per day.
I had Taken Alla’s course in 2013 and her teaching has elevated my trading to a much higher level. Last Year I was able to make 272,610 while working a few short hours per week. The beauty is her method will work on stocks, futures, commodities and in all time frames. Thank You Alla Peters.
Its almost cheating using her Alpha Fibonacci Method. Nothing even comes close. I would even say Alla Peters has cracked the stock market code. Yes, a bold statement but true. Now, when I look at a chart I understand whats going, where price have been, and most importantly, and most profitably where price will go. I haven’t stopped testing it on every stock chart I know. Alla Peters would say in the course “market is flawless Fibonacci puzzle” and I have to agree. I stopped looking for any other trading strategy because THIS IS IT!
The one reason I have stayed, you always have our (students) backs. In your industry you represent the 5% that really appear to give a hoot about the group you are shepherding. A quality that speaks to who you are as a person.
(11:55 am) Lisa S: Thank you Alla! Have a great day. I paid for the course today. 🙂
(11:56 am) Lisa S: With Spy puts
Great class today… my 3rd week and getting a feel for how the program works. I really like the structure of rules for trades. I had other programs and strategies, but this is simpler and puts practical numbers and targets for trades……………really like it!
12:55 pm Jim L: for Wes and Steve: Fib levels reveal price action behavior. Alla is the price action whisperer who will teach you how to TRADE THE MOVES, NOT THE NEWS!
I have learned so much and believe I will continue to improve my abilities. Trading as a professional requires work, diligence, perseverance, constant study, and lastly taking trades. Just because I had success for a few months doesn’t mean the works over, it’s just beginning. Hopefully the universe brought us together so I could learn from you what I have struggled with for so long. Get rid of all those indicators. Fibs and pivots rule!! Thank you so much for showing me the insider view of trading. Have a special, wonderful and joyous Holiday Season.
Thank you so much for this Bootcamp. I feel like I have a much better handle on your method now. And I’m seeing over and over and over what a powerful method it is. I feel so very grateful that I’m learning this from you, and that I found you. It was perfect timing for me, and an answer to a sincere prayer. Much of your teaching is repetition, and from a student perspective, it is invaluable. Even if you are going over the same thing, saying the same or similar things – every time I hear it, it goes in deeper. I’ve had many aha moments the last 2 weeks. Catapulted my learning exponentially. And seeing the patterns play out in many different scenarios is making my mental framework stronger and stronger. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for offering this intense 2 week course. It has made such a huge difference for me.
Alla goes out of her way to answer question about related trading question and any other markets traded. I trade e-mini S&P and gold futures. Since taking the course six weeks in I have accumulated 14,957 while trading 5 lots size. My gross profit was around 24K so I did suffer losses due to learning curve and realizing after trades taken things I should not have done according to the rules outlined. Key point is to understand what not to do. To quantify: trade quality not quantity. Thank you Alla, I remain in gratitude and humble.
Thank you for your genius, your analysis and sharing your videos. I’m a new trader trading/scalping forex. I gave up my $100k+/yr IT career to do trading. I came upon your vidoes on youtube about a year ago, but prior to finding your vidoes had signed up for a class at Response costing me $10,000. The training wasn’t very successful so I kept searching; knowing there is a pattern/secret to this. When I found your videos, I knew you were on to something so I kept watching and learning the way you set up the charts with the different zones, DP points, etc. I tried to reverse engineer your fib setups and in the course of about a year finally understand what you are doing. To your credit, I don’t understand all of it yet, but this youtube video put me on the right track. (How The Fibonacci Method Can Improve Your Day & Position Trading on Futures, Forex and Stocks) When you posted the different waves at min 34:45, it finally clicked inside my head and I started applying it very successfully. The amazing thing is the fibs, within fibs, within fibs with each different time frame. I do admit that there are times when I let my losses run too long and I still has a propensity to trade against the trend (wave 2/4). I just wanted to share my deepest and sincerest appreciation for the time you spend freely sharing the videos on youtube.
I took Alla’s group course in May 2018 and the boot camp in July 2018. The education given by Alla is a masterpiece of her knowledge and experience of price action and practice of trading including trading psychology that is worth every penny of my capital invested. It is unique and the most outstanding education that I have had in my past 4 years of research into the world of trading. Free of indicators, Alla is able to decode the market as a framework that is highly logical and systematic, structural and meaningful, enabling me to position favorably or stay out of disadvantage in advance in the market, rather than me lagged and dragged by indicators. Combined with her trading strategies of trend reversal and inception, I know how to trade the market with advantage and confidence. Her trading rules are objective and measurable, precise and rule-based, psychology concerned, saving me from guess work, emotional impulse and reaction. I am grateful to have found Alla with her competence to decode the market and devise the strategies, her passion for the market and teaching, her coaching and involvement of students in real time market condition and her sharing of trading psychology that I am so concerned as futures day trader. I am grateful for having found Alla on earth and I highly recommend her education to traders of all kinds to leverage the capabilities of the proprietary fibonacci price action trading developed and taught by her.

It was a year ago that I signed up for your mentoring program. Your weekly strategy had the markets in an uptrend…since then the portfolio of 500,000 had grown 170,000 in the year for a 30% return… Thought you would like to hear that.
Alla – Trying to stay focused on learning from you, I noticed this afternoon 2 beautiful trades occurring. I usually don’t trade in the afternoon but having stopped at home, I checked the screen and WOW !! it is all about quality. Thanks as always for sharing your knowledge. The strength you have shown these past few weeks reminds me of a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson… “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” An honor to be in your class…
Hi Dear Alla, So this is what I get from following you, obeying your rules and paying attention to the weekly institutional method. I wanted to let you know how the trade is going. My call options were up by 22% this morning as you can see from the screenshot. As I am typing this they are now up by 25%. As you can see, they are June 17 calls, so I have about 4 weeks until they expire. I intend to hold them. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for sharing your insight into the markets!! This is definitely the best course I have taken in my trading career and I have been in the markets for 8 years. I was reluctant to take another course but Ken ( who took the course) convinced me and I have an open mind., All the best.
Having taken 5 trading courses including 2 brick and mortar schools I can say without hesitation this is the
“Simply the best”!!!! Their is no truer statement I can make concerning Alla and what she shows us on a daily basis. Thank you so very much for sharing your gifts and giving us the opportunity to learn and be successful.
Good morning Alla, I became aware of you and your Fibonacci system at the beginning of March, am taking your education course, have removed all indicators and trade exclusively based on your Fibonacci levels. You can see what has happened to a small US account I have and in particular how my trading has improved since I made the switch to Fibonacci. Have a great day and a very big Thank You.
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Dear Alla, I just would like to let you know that November was, so far, the best month (- up almost 25%) in my ES day-trading journey (since 6/2016) in terms of consistency and profit. While it may be nothing for some experienced traders, this kind of result is something I only dreamed of several months ago. I really hope I’m not jinxing it, but please let me share it with you. I just have to make sure (and hope and pray) that I will stay focused, and committed to the trading and risk management rules I have learned. I feel privileged to be able to enjoy the benefits of your trading strategies and knowledge. Please feel free to share the above with others, if you think it’s useful. Best regards.
Alla, you are just AMAZING! Every time I listen to you & learn, I get Inspired about not only trading & Flawless Fibs, but Freedom & Life…there are very few Gem Teachers with Great Heart & Love for students as you.
Thanks for everything without a doubt this is the best program I ever attended. And at one time or another I have attended them all. Nothing comes close to Alla’s course”.
It is truly a privilege to know you and work with you, Alla!! Blessings !
Your Brilliance Is Breathtaking!!!! So grateful for your excellent teaching and wisdom!! I Love You!!!!
I learned more in 10 days than I ever imagined! Thank you Alla!!!!
I cannot tell you how much I enjoying today’s training session. It was OUTSTANDING!! I just LOVE the way you share your insights into the market. I have been searching for a Fibonacci mentor like you for 3 years now.
Absolutely Fantastic. I do wish I had found your room about two years earlier as I think I probably own every single indicator that’s been programmed for Ninja! You are doing an absolutely fantastic job guiding students through the trades. Thanks and best regards.
A Change from the Frenetic. Alla, just wanted to drop you a note about how much I have appreciated being in the room. . . . The atmosphere has been quite a change from the frenetic pace of most trade rooms I have experienced . . . . Your room is definitely relaxed. I look forward to continuing my participation in the room and hope to sign up for the course soon. Regards.
Fantastic Job! You are doing an absolutely fantastic job guiding students through the trades. I hope the room becomes a major success story for you! Thanks and best regards.”
I simply set my IRON CONDOR positions outside the FIBONACCI REVERSAL ZONES and let it fly! I’ve done so well, that I created an LLC trading corporation to keep more capital nourishment! Incredibly, I have not yet lost money on any trade! I turned 65 on Aug. 4 and am now confident that I will be able to financially sustain myself during retirement because of Alla Peters! You’ve heard of “grain fed”? Well, I now give you “Fibonacci Fed” trading account! Thank you and God bless you, Alla Peters! I hope our paths cross someday! Your forever grateful student.
It’s your market insights that are the best !
I Love listening to you! I continue to learn!!
Anyone here who has not signed up for course yet, do yourself a favor and sign up. Alla’s methods are golden!
Love you so much! Changed my life with your method. You are my Guiding Light!
I can’t endorse highly enough this course… the instructor or the results! I have taken many courses over the years and, like others, spent many thousands of dollars. I was initially attracted to Alla’s Fibonacci Trading Course based on something she does that no one in my experience does, her method has a success rate that is in the 80-90% range. On that basis alone I invested in her class, and became an instant convert, believer and enthusiastic follower.Alla’s technique is clear, concise and easy to learn.There is constant drilling of the fundamentals so one is allowed to learn almost effortlessly. Alla teaches classes that emphasize the construction and analysis of Wave Technique, which works together with her setups. Alla gives unlimited support and encouragement through homework assignments, further honing your skills.”
I continue to be amazed at how incredibly accurate the Wave Theory works, very often coming TO THE TICK of either standard or proprietary Fibonacci Levels. I spend lots of screen time constructing and reviewing waves, and find that these levels continue to be active even several days after their placement. I can’t endorse highly enough this course, the teaching or the results! When you eliminate indicators and focus on pure Price Action seen through the lens of Wave Analysis, amazing things happen.
Dear Alla, I thank you so very much for all that you do for our class and for all the very kind things you have done for me personally. You are my hero!! I ordered a gift for you last Tuesday. I just got a notice that delivery, to your home, will be Tuesday, Dec 6th. They will require water!! I hope you love them; they come all the way from Ecuador.
I just listened to Preston’s audio testimony. Fully agree you are my guiding light also Alla! You are an exceptional mentor when it comes to following the rules and do not deviate whatsoever!
Your new students are doing well, because your teaching skills are 100%. I thank God for you everyday and ask that he keeps you safe and healthy. I continue to learn from you!! Love you!
Forever grateful to you and all the interest you have shown in me in personal development as a trader.
I am so grateful I met you! Only one week in the course and I see markets in a totally different light!
You think you can just look at the chart, you can find all those crucial candle formations, you can apply your favorite indicator and say “hello” to your reward? Good luck with that! Admit honestly that you cannot trade with consistent profits, admit that time and time again the market shows you that you’re not smart enough, that you’re not savvy enough, that you’re just playing Russian roulette and you’re losing this game most of the time. That’s what I was doing for awhile until I accidentally found Fibonacci Trading Institute and it’s founder Alla Peters.Alla is great! She might not have letter “h” in her name, but she definitely speaks to market Gods with a capital “G”. She will teach you very simple rules, she will solve the price movement mystery for you and she will show you how perfect and flawless her system is and why it works time after time. She will teach you patience and discipline, she will guide you step-by-step through the learning process and she will be there for you long after you graduate from her Institute. So, if you’re serious about learning how to trade and invest, if you’re tired of other useless schools and instructors, you must signup for Alla’s class and see for yourself the magic and simplicity of her method.