Volatility is The Best Friend for the knowledgeable Fibonacci and Price Action investor and trader. This trader enjoys sharp market moves and knows that 2019 Will Be Highly Volatile and a Very Powerful Year in the markets across all instruments.
View in the video below how the Fibonacci Trading Room anticipated the S&P rally on Thursday and the collapse on AAPL (see image below) despite stunning earnings. As these events prove again: earnings and indicators don’t mean a thing: Fibonacci and Price Action Mean Everything
Mastering Fibonacci Trading Strategies is the key to Consistent, Confident and Stress-Free Trading independent of news and indicators. Mastering Fibonacci Retracement Levels using the Alpha Tool, that you can install on any platform and use on any instrument you choose, will produce peaceful and joy filled trading.
All you have to do is play by the rules taught in the Fibonacci Courses. Choose an INDICATOR FREE PRICE ACTION AND FIBONACCI course appropriate for you and you will never need an indicator or meaningless news events ever again:
Fibonacci Mastery Course students:
09:26 am H W: My Put Hedges are working Well!!
12:18 pm Bradley J: sorry but I like to praise the method 5 lot 7 pts
12:19 pm Paul B paper trading still but 7.5pt 2c
“Thank You Alla for AWESOME crude day!I can`t say how much I LUV your work have a great DAY!” – Phil